Tony and Laura at a beautiful seaside monastery |
It’s been almost a week since Tony and Laura left, and we were definitely sad to see them go! But, we had an amazing week together here! I must say, Dena was hostess extraordinaire (as usual). Not only did she do the usual things around the house, but when I was in class, she drove them all over Lebanon – and never got too lost! (You have to understand, that is quite the accomplishment in a country where road signs are, let’s say, undervalued.)
At the market in Byblos. |
Besides not getting lost, a few other things we were thankful for during their visit:
- Good health the whole time! No traveler’s, um, issues.
- Pretty great weather. It rained quite a bit just before and just after they were here, but during their week here, only a couple times.
Me, Metwally, and the tow truck driver. |
- Flexibility: Tony and Laura were so chill, and always up for modifying plans, and that made hosting them even more fun.
- Safety when one of our (and by our, I mean my family’s) cars broke down while I was trying to make a u-turn on a mountain road. Long story… but suffice it to say, in a country half the size of Vermont, there should never be a car trip that is 8 hours long. That day, there was.
- The company of my friend, Metwally, during said car trip. I might not be talking about it so fondly if I was alone. And Metwally spent a good bit of time with the four of us, so we all had a lot of fun together.
Tony insisted on a McArabia before leaving. |
Otherwise, we are getting back into a somewhat “normal rhythm,” as I’m a few weeks into this semester, and Dena is still working hard with HOME and in learning Arabic. And then, in two weeks – more visitors! We’re so excited for our dear friends Dan and Leigh to be here!